
Friday 21 February 2014

Skipping Along

Well card production has certainly been skipping along this week - you may have noticed - lots of postings and a bit thin on comments.  Well there is a reason... my card box has been a bit busy of late, firstly there were several family & friends birthdays, and secondly - I'm fund raising again.

This year my chosen charity is not a health one but a country...I raising funds for

North East Scotland Support For Romania

A smallish local charity which supports families in Romania - more details here.

Anyway, my neighbour volunteers for them on a regular basis and has been out with aid on several trips - her next one is scheduled for Easter.  She and the team are currenlty fund raising to buy an adult push-chair for a young Romanian mad with major mobility problems as a result of having cerebral palsy.  So for the next few months I'll be selling my cards to raise funds for them.

I'll also be helping out at their bigger fund-raiser in March - an Intoxicating Tea Party.  Any of you heard of them?  Its a tea party served with a lovely china tea-set only it ain't tea in the's cocktails! How fantastic is that???

So pictures of that event to follow, but for now a card to join the box!

Ideas to Inspire - Name that Tune -Danni Minogue - Jump To The Beat


  1. A pretty card for a great cause Janice.

    B x

  2. Such a pretty card Janice and, I suspect, that after a few intoxicating cocktails you may well be jumping to the beat too!! I remember the original...oh yes, the 80's were great!! xx

  3. Gorgeous card Janice, and I love the sound of the 'tea' party! Jo x

  4. so gorgeous janice.beautiful sweet image and i love your colours ;D

    xx coops xx

  5. Gorgeous card Janice, I love the sweet image and beautiful colours.
    Sue xx

  6. This is a really sweet card hun. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Claire x

  7. Aaah what a little sweetie, Luv Sam x

  8. Janice loving the card cute image and gorgeous layout. Love Alison xx

  9. Very pretty card Janice, and a perfect interpretation of our theme.

    Thanks for entering our ‘name that tune’ challenge – good luck!

    Anne x
    Lili of the Valley
