
Friday 10 August 2012

The Hills Are Alive...

... With the sound of hill walkers, putting the world to right all in a day, simples!

Yesterday we had lots of fun with my brother when we went on our annual hill climbing expedition, and true to form, we didn't quite get the designated path and ended up ankle deep in peat-bogs and heather and on a completely different hill to the one we intended - but still we had fun!

Below are a few pics from our day.

The intention was to climb The Buck, via Clayhooter Hill, but it ended up just being Clayhooter - (great name eh!)

Don't laugh, but that little pimple is the summit we climbed, but I can assure you it's bigger than it looks & I have the tired legs & blistered heals today to prove it!

And now for the family shots,

Colin & I.

My brother John with me

The big guns!


  1. Great pics hun - glad you are having a good time! Hugs, Claire x

  2. Such gorgeous pictures off nature and your family. Lovely !! Enjoy the good times ! Hugs, Marion

  3. stunning pics janice.the scenery looks fantastic :D

    xx coops xx
