
Tuesday 28 September 2010

Indian Summer

One card... two challenges!

Made this one for the Penny Black Saturday Challenge using the layout given by Friday Sketchers. Papers by My Mind's Eye. Jx

Knight night!

This is my latest Sugar Nellie stamp & I've used him in this weeks Plain & Simple Challenge on Allsorts. Paper is Basic Grey & my MS punch was also in action! Jx

Sunday 26 September 2010

Fluffles - My Favourite!

... Well one of my favourite Fluffles!

Made this Autumnal card using the Sketch Saturday layout some Basic Grey paper & my MS punch.

The theme also ties in nicely with the Crafty Creations challenge this week, which is falling leaves.


Christmas Again

Love this Sugar Nellie stamp, & the easy peasy layout on the Sugar Bowl Challenge this week!

Also included a bit of stitching so I could enter it into the Crafty Catz Challenge too. Jx

Thursday 23 September 2010

The Penultimate Mombasa Post!

Well you'll all be glad to hear that we can now wrap up the fundraising for Books Abroad and Mission To Mombasa. Not only did we raise the required £2200, we actually shot past & raised £2358. Obviously we are all really pleased about this & wish to thank everyone who has supported us on the way.

It's now only 2 and a bit weeks till the trip, so as you can imagine things are getting just a little bit exciting here!

Will do my final posting on the trip once Alan is back home & I'll let you see some of his pics. Jx

White Christmas

A slightly different card this time, as the only colour is on the image. That was the challenge on I Love Promarkers this week. So this card is made using an Anita's stamp, coloured with promarkers and mounted on star embossed panels.

I'm also entering this one into ABC Christmas where we are on letter T for tree.

In the Bah Humbug Challenge, where the challenge is stars and in the colour create challenge, where again the challenge is all white. (Thanks for that Coops!) Jx

Christmas Post

Here's my card for this weeks Penny Black Saturday Challenge, made using their layout, a gifted image & some old Christmas papers.

I'm also entering this one into the Papertake Challenge which was animal magic as it includes a hedgehog & robin. Jx

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Rock Idol

I bought this stamp at the beginning of the summer on a trip to Elgin & the Papercraft Shop - home to Funky Kits/Sugar Nellie. Eventually I've got round to using it.

I struggled last week with the Sugar Bowl challenge, I made my card using a print out of the layout, only to find I'd missed out the circle mount as it didn't show on the printout. I then realised that all my circle nesties were too small for the size of stamps I have... PROBLEM! Then last night in a flash of inspiration, I thought why not use a CD - perfect size & ties in really well with the musical theme of this card for the Sugar Bowl Challange & also the music/dance theme set on the Crafty Creations Challenge. Jx

Monday 20 September 2010

Angel Tilda

Can you wear out a stamp? If you can, this could be the one!
Tilda's back for this card following the layout in the I Love Promarkers Challenge. The only problem with this card is - I have to give it away as it was made to order! Funny how some cards you don't want to part with.


Sunday 19 September 2010

Angel Tilda

Using the Layout given in the Bunny Zoe's Crafts Challenge I've made this Christmas card. I've compiled it with Anita's Classic Christmas - Blue papers and the lovely Tilda as a Christmas Angel Stamp - one of the cutest Christmas stamps around this year. (I think!) Jx

PS I know Tilda looks a bit "pasty faced" here but her dress is infact pale blue - it's just not showing too well in the photo!


Christmas seems to be creeping up upon us, so I have decided to do Christmas cards from now on in unless it's for an order - well that's the plan!

So I've used my Sugar Nellie stamp along with some of last years Christmas papers, (don't know who's) to make this card for the Friday Sketchers Challenge & the Crafty Catz Challenge, which was to use green & chocolate.


Tuesday 14 September 2010

Green Card

What fun I have had today, playing about with this card & learning new things - let me explain... Well my card is like no other I have made to date. It's green in colour but green by nature too - can you spot the recycled coke can?

Yes you read correctly, but I had a double take last night when I read a thread over on Do Crafts which directed me to this blog page by Craft-Fairy

Having read all about it last night, coke was purchased & consumed today then I set to work on the can, it's so easy & I love the finished die cuts.

Now as luck would have it, the challenge on My Partner in Crafting Crime was a 3-2-1 recipe, 3 embs (2 ribbon bands & a gem), 2 papers - yup got that & to add something unusual to your card, that you normally wouldn't - so I thought I ticked off that bit of the challenge nicely with my coke can numbers.

Finally I also did a load of paper piecing on my PB lady, giving her a lovely co-ordinated outfit and so fitting the challenge on Crafty Cats.


African Lion

As the date for my son's charity trip to Africa gets ever closer, & fund raising begins to draw to a close, (see my last post), he has a few thank yous to give.

One big thank you has got to go to the folks at Turriff Bowling Club for all their help last Friday with the Quiz Night - so this card is made for them.

It's coming from my son & has an African flavour & uses the PB image Roar along with Basic Grey Granola paper & a couple of CB folders.

I'm entering it into the following challenges;

PB Saturday Challenge - Male Card
Allsorts - Autumn Colours
Sketch Saturday - Used Their Layout.


Monday 13 September 2010

Mission To Mombasa Quiz Night

For those of you who are following our fund raising progress, you will be pleased to hear that our Quiz Night was a huge success.

We raised £621, with the help of Turriff Bowling Club & its members so a huge thank you to them and all those who supported us.

We have now raised a staggering £2103, & I'm absolutely delighted - the end is well & truely in sight now. Jx

Sunday 12 September 2010

Silver Wedding

This is another card made to order this weekend, with take 2 of the Sugar Bowl Challenge layout - can't enter this card either as the stamp isn't Sugar Nellie it's Anita's... 3rd time lucky though!


Minus Mistletoe!

I really love this Sugar Nellie stamp, & I know it's a Christmas one cause it's called Mistletoe... however with a bit of masking, you can turn it into a year round stamp, perfect for an anniversary card.

This was to be my entry in this weeks Sugar Bowl Challenge - only I just spotted a circle behind the image - why did that not show up in my print off of the layout!!! Oh well at least I've made one of the cards I had to do for an order! Jx

Saturday 11 September 2010

Father Christmas

This card was made using Papermania Christmas papers & a Rubber Stampede stamp called Santa Collage. I'm entering it into the ABC Christmas Challenge along with the Docraft Snoflake Challenge. This week the challenge was S for Santa - but not red!


Couples Cruise

Found this stamp on line when I was looking for another by High Hopes Rubber Stamps and as luck would have it, it ties in nicely with several of this weeks challenges! I'm therefore entering this card into; Friday Sketchers - (rotated sketch).
Crafty Card Makers - Clean & Simple
I Love Promarkers - Transportation
Crafty Creations - also Transportation.


Tuesday 7 September 2010

Black & White

I'm entering this simple card into 2 challenges, the Papertake Weekly as I used their layout and the Crafty Creations Challenge which was white plus 1 & I went for the very imaginative... black!

Busy busy on the fundraising front this week - having just been making my cards for the box at work, I have suddenly got 7 orders all at once - so it's not just buses that do that! On top of that we have our Quiz Night on Fri - our final fundraiser so hopefully it will be a big success - fingers crossed. Jx

Sunday 5 September 2010

BBQ Dragon

Well the hunt was on this week for a dragon stamp for the Myth & Magic challenge over on I love promarkers. I wanted a more grown up dragon & hunted high & low for one. In the end however I fell in love with this little fellow from & so went digi!

I'm also entering the card in the sketch Saturday Challenge as I followed their layout.
The Papertake Challenge, which was Just 1 - mine was 1 colour - green.
Ooh, I can also entre it into the JustINKlined Challenge too cause I used one of their stamps.

Papers - Basic Grey - Urban Prairie

On a different note, Alan's Mombasa fund took a leap on Saturday when the Abergeldie Bowling Team visited Turriff. They read about Alan's trip, had a whip round & collected just over £60. So a huge thank you to them. The fund now sits at £1831

Friday 3 September 2010

Fluffles Flowerpot

I love my Fluffles stamps, but don't use them quite so often now, so it was good to fish this one out of the back of the stamp drawer for this weeks Sketch Saturday Challenge. Paper again by Basic Grey, this time Max & Whiskers.